North Mississippi's

#1 Storm Shelters

We exceed FEMA standards

Protect Your Family

From Tornadoes

Due to recent tornadoes in North Mississippi, it has become clear that having a tornado shelter can be a crucial element of tornado preparedness. Tornadoes are unpredictable and can cause significant damage, including the destruction of homes and buildings. In some cases, residents may not have enough time to evacuate to a safe location before the tornado hits. A tornado shelter provides a secure and reinforced space for residents to seek refuge in the event of a tornado, offering protection from flying debris, high winds, and other hazards.

Be Prepared For Extreme Weather

Don't take chances with the safety of your family. Be safe during the next big storm with the top-quality shelters of Bost Tornado Shelters. Count on us for professionally installed storm shelters built to withstand the most severe weather conditions. Concrete in-ground units are poured on-site and are completely sealed inside with masonry coating.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Bost Tornado Shelters is here to help.

  • Do I need a tornado shelter if I live in North Mississippi?

    Tornados have become increasingly common in North Mississippi and can cause significant damage. Having a tornado shelter can provide added protection and peace of mind in the event of a tornado.

  • Can I install a tornado shelter on my own, or do I need a professional?

    It is recommended that you have a professional install your tornado shelter to ensure that it is properly secured and meets all safety standards. Call Bost Tornado Shelters to request a free estimate.

  • How often should I inspect and maintain my tornado shelter?

    It is recommended that you inspect and maintain your tornado shelter at least once a year to ensure that it is in good condition and ready for use in the event of a tornado.

  • What should I include in a tornado supply kit to keep in my shelter?

    Your tornado supply kit should include items such as non-perishable food, water, a first aid kit, flashlights, and a battery-powered radio. Be sure to include any necessary medications, important documents, and supplies for children or pets.

  • Do you finance?

    We do not finance. Payment in full is due the day we complete your shelter. Payment type accepted is cash, check, or credit card (additional processing fee could be up to 3.6%).

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Free Estimate

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Perry's team, led by foreman Dave, did a wonderful job completing our shelter! They arrived promptly first thing in the morning on both days of work, every member of the crew was professional and courteous. They were more than willing to work with us on our ideal placement of the shelter, though it certainly wasn't the most convenient spot for them to install. After the shelter was in, they were meticulous at repairing any tracks made by the heavy equipment and left our yard in as good of condition as possible. We couldn't be more pleased, and feel confident we can weather future storms safely in our new Bost Tornado Shelter.

- Jeff & Lisa

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